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04/10/2016 - The Political Economy of NPLs resolution in Greece: Ownership and Conditionality (London, UK)

Σεπ 27, 2016 09:57

The research Seminar "The Political Economy of NPLs resolution in Greece: Ownership and Conditionality" will take place in London, UK, on October 4, 2016.

Further information:

BeNovative! Sustainable Entrepreneurship for Youth Workers

Σεπ 26, 2016 10:09

Deadline: 1 October 2016
Open to: 18+ youth workers, peer educators, volunteers
Venue: 12 – 19 November 2016, Modra, Slovakia


14-20/11/2016 - Business Angels Week

Σεπ 25, 2016 21:35

Business Angels Week is the world’s largest cross-border angel investment awareness campaign featuring Business Angels and Entrepreneurs from Europe, the Middle East (MBAN) and Africa (ABAN). Business Angels Week not only addresses the entrepreneurs, but has a completely different approach by adding the investor flavor, opening the doors for matchmaking between entrepreneurs and investors by raising awareness of the early stage market.

14-20/11/2016 - Business Angels Week

27/09/2016 - Workshop on Business Models for Renewable Energy Aggregators (Brussels, Belgium)

Σεπ 23, 2016 10:05

Renewable energy aggregators can accelerate the integration of intermittent electricity sources, reduce energy prices and improve power grid management. These benefits and other aspects of renewable energy aggregation will be discussed in a workshop that will be held in Brussels on the 27th September 2016.This workshop will present the key findings from the most recent BestRES project reports. Register for free and join us in Brussels!

Further information:


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