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Winter School "Project Design in H2020"

Οκτ 21, 2016 11:16

This is a training pathway dealing with techniques for successful project design in Horizon. The 1st module (30/11/2016–02/12/2016) will analyse proposal forms, allowing participants to acquire the competence needed to complete administrative, technical and financial sections of the proposals. The 2nd module (11/01/2017-12/01/2017) will allow to apply the competences acquired, by simulating draft and evaluation of an actual project proposal.

Training: Social Entrepreneurship for Immigrants, Refugees

Οκτ 21, 2016 11:15

Deadline: 28 October 2016
Open to: youth workers willing to further develop (social) entrepreneurship skills of youngsters and support establishment of different social enterprises by, with and for immigrants, refugees and other youth with fewer opportunities
Venue: 10-18 December 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia


15-16/12/2016 - ARIADNE final conference (Florence, Italy)

Οκτ 21, 2016 11:07

The EU-funded ARIADNE project will be holding its final conference in Florence, Italy, from 15 to 16 December 2016.

Further information:

09-10/03/2017 - Enterprise and Competitive Environment Conference (Brno, Czech Republic)

Οκτ 21, 2016 11:05

The EU-funded FAIRTAX project will be organising a special session at the next edition of the Enterprise and Competitive Environment (ECE2017) conference that will take place in Brno, the Czech Republic, from 9 to 10 March 2017.

Further information:


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