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A safer Europe within our grasp

Απρ 16, 2013 14:33

Peace and security are at the top of the EU's agenda. A close look at natural and man-made threats across the bloc will help Europe become more proactive in ensuring the safety of its citizens.

German university gets important neuroscience boost

Απρ 16, 2013 14:30

Cutting-edge equipment combined with advanced faculty training has enabled one German university to become a global player in the evolving field of neuroscience.

Neuroscience, the scientific study of the nervous system, is considered an interdisciplinary science that interfaces with other fields such as mathematics, medicine, linguistics, computer science, physics and psychology. The Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, one of Europe's noblest and oldest universities in Germany's north-eastern region, aimed to enhance its research capabilities in neuroscience.

New health insurance ideas help India

Απρ 16, 2013 14:27

A pilot project to evaluate the concept of community-based health insurance (CBHI) in India will help empower communities with new ways to upgrade healthcare.

CBHI schemes have the potential to revolutionise healthcare among poor populations in Asian countries such as India. In theory, these schemes increase access to healthcare and provide financial protection, in addition to helping mobilise additional resources for health funding.

Biomarkers for kidney cancer

Απρ 16, 2013 14:25

Large-scale genomic analysis of renal cell carcinoma combined with clinical and epidemiological information would address the need for disease molecular markers. This could potentially lead to new diagnostic tools and the design of targeted treatments.

The incidence of renal cell carcinoma has been increasing in Europe over the past two decades. In certain parts of Europe the disease is particularly prevelant and it therefore presents serious health concerns in these areas.


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