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Optimised systems for monitoring radiation

Απρ 22, 2013 10:22

In a nuclear or radiological emergency, prompt action is of paramount importance. For appropriate decision making in the early stage of an emergency, the fast delivery of comprehensive information on the existing or impending radiological situation is, therefore, essential.

Fast, effective manufacturing of small, complex parts

Απρ 22, 2013 10:21

Manufacturing of small batches or custom parts such as dental prosthetics can be quite costly and time consuming. Scientists developed technology to significantly decrease time, cost and material usage while enhancing quality.

Promoting synergy in EU fish research

Απρ 22, 2013 10:19

Fish research represents a vast area of knowledge and challenges for Europe. An EU-funded project is building a strong network of infrastructures that will steer the industry through these difficulties and gear the sector towards further excellence.

Aquaculture is all about the interaction between humans, fish and the environment. It is about sustainable feed production, management technologies, genetics, product quality, human safety and more. Such a diverse area needs coordinated expertise, infrastructures and biological resources.

Investigating the environmental impact of nanosilver

Απρ 22, 2013 10:18

When it comes to materials used in the fight against bacteria, silver may not be the first substance which comes to mind. However, the precious metal has been used in the medical industry as a biocide - a substance which can deter, render harmless, or exert a controlling effect on any harmful organism - since the 1930s.


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