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New treatment may lead the way to fighting obesity and diabetes

Μάιος 22, 2013 14:42

Two professors believe they may have a promising lead from which to develop a new treatment for obesity and diabetes.

A radical re-invention for the Internet

Μάιος 22, 2013 11:11

The pan-European ICT project DISCUS ('Distributed Core for Unlimited Bandwidth Supply') is led by CVTR, Ireland's telecommunications research centre, which is connected to Trinity College Dublin. CTVR in University College Cork is also involved. The project aims to provide a more economically viable network, which is environmentally sustainable and capable of supporting all current and forthcoming services for the foreseeable future.

Super wind turbines represent a major technological breakthrough

Μάιος 22, 2013 11:08

Harnessing the wind's energy is the objective of a new project, which aims to provide an important breakthrough in offshore wind industrial solutions.

The EU-funded project, called SUPRAPOWER, is working on a more powerful, reliable and lightweight superconducting offshore wind turbine. The four-year project has the expertise of nine European partners from industry and science under the coordination of Tecnalia in Spain.

Internet-TV combination makes life easier

Μάιος 22, 2013 11:06

The latest advances made by an EU-funded team of researchers to marry the Web and TV demonstrate how technology convergence is making our lives so much easier.

The NOTUBE ('Networks and ontologies for the transformation and unification of broadcasting and the Internet') project has developed solutions which convert the humble TV into a personalised, interactive experience. It used to be that we turned on the TV and had no choice but to watch a specific show at a specific time.


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