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Badminton-playing robot tests software designs of the future

Ιουν 07, 2013 09:53

The drive to decrease the ecological impact of production machines is leading manufactures to focus on novel ways to incorporate energy efficiency in the designing of new products. One answer is the first-ever badminton playing robot - designed to test a software application that optimises energy efficiency in machine design.

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SMEs a presence in the medical world in developing cancer treatment

Ιουν 07, 2013 09:51

Cancer treatment is one of the most important areas of research in the medical world today. With research predominately conducted in large pharmaceutical research organisations, it is rather significant to hear of small medium enterprises (SMEs) developing their own innovative treatment for cancer.

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Hospital visits take on new meaning with therapeutic robots

Ιουν 07, 2013 09:46

Having hospital visits from a robot may sound like a strange form of therapy, but according to robotics experts, they can be extremely helpful therapeutic devices.

Developing a clearer understanding of ocean ecosystems

Ιουν 07, 2013 09:42

The EU-funded HERMIONE project ('Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact on European Seas') has contributed much needed data on the complexity of deep-sea ecosystems. This in turn has created a community of scientists who continue to work together to better understand the remarkable world of the deep sea and its vast diversity of habitat and life.

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