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The winds of change in aircraft design

Ιουν 12, 2013 11:08

Testing design concepts on real aeroplanes in flight is expensive and dangerous making wind tunnels an almost indispensable alternative. EU funding is supporting important upgrades to three wind tunnel facilities and research by experts in the field.

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New microfluidic chips for capturing rare cancer cells

Ιουν 12, 2013 11:06

European researchers have developed an innovative method for capturing and analysing circulating cancer cells in the blood The unprecedented sensitivity of this technology could revolutionise cancer research and diagnosis.

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A new era for chemicals processing

Ιουν 12, 2013 11:05

Miniature hollow polygons formed from metal ion clusters and bridging organic linkers are changing the way chemicals are processed. EU-funded researchers are developing applications for separation, purification, catalysis and more.

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Theoretical physics takes centre stage in Greece

Ιουν 12, 2013 11:03

Reinforcing the Crete Center for Theoretical Physics on Greece's largest and most populous island, Crete, will help this exciting research field flourish, not only within the country but across Europe.

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