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New transport solutions for an ageing population

Ιουν 14, 2013 10:05

Older people are usually regarded as a group with particular limitations and needs, especially in terms of mobility. To develop future transport solutions for an ageing population, an EU-funded project is developing various mental and physical profiles to identify needs associated with different forms of transport.

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Stepping up research for novel multifunctional materials

Ιουν 14, 2013 09:57

An Italian research laboratory investigating innovative materials and devices is making excellent use of EU funding to enhance its capabilities. Novel multifunctional systems for a variety of applications could be around the corner.

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Making nutritious food tasty and cheap

Ιουν 14, 2013 09:52

EU researchers are developing novel food products that will be both nutritionally correct and affordable. Today, 81 million Europeans are at risk of poverty and thus more likely to suffer from poor diet-related diseases.

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Better accessing knowledge, skills in structural biology

Ιουν 14, 2013 09:49

Since April 2009, the EU-funded PCUBE project has been connecting scientists working in structural biology across Europe. By improving access to researchers in this field, it has spread the news on the most advanced techniques being developed in specialised laboratories.

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