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Conris Summer School: Improving awareness in safety & security through innovation

Απρ 18, 2017 11:47


Lectures, workshops and field excursions on ‘Improving awareness in safety and security through innovation’. A real case, set in the Port of Antwerp, will challenge you and your group members to some serious out-of-the-box thinking and developing innovative solutions.

You will have a chance to have a look behind the scenes of a concert hall, the zoo and a hospital to see how they deal with safety & security awareness. Get inspired and be creative!

Summer school on developing (skills for) entrepreneurship

Απρ 18, 2017 09:41

The summer school on developing (skills for) entrepreneurship takes place in one of the most challenging environments of Western Europe. The University of Antwerp, Antwerp University Association and the City of Antwerp warmly invite you to join this intensive introduction to entrepreneurship. Students with a keen interest in entrepreneurship, but without any concrete previous experience, will be able to discover entrepreneurship during this hands-on summer school.

Creative Young Entrepreneurship

Απρ 18, 2017 09:38

Creative Young Entrepreneurship

Training Course

13-20 May 2017 | ANKARA, Turkey
We can see change and development are rapidly flowing even while living in the first quarter of the century. Problem solving, cooperative work, critical thinking, effective communication, creativity skills, are basic skills expected from the youth.

Social Entrepreneurship Study Visit - Towards Collaborative Practice 2017

Απρ 07, 2017 10:51

Social Entrepreneurship Study Visit - Towards Collaborative Practice 2017

Study Visit

26-30 June 2017 | Bristol, United Kingdom
Calling all social innovators and social entrepreneurs! Bristol is the UK's first social enterprise city- this study visit of its exciting social enterprises will equip and inspire your budding social entrepreneurial competences and Erasmus+ projects.


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