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Turning a building green is a question of control

Ιουν 27, 2013 11:05

Sustainable buildings partly depend on control strategies to be energy efficient. Implementation of possible control systems are now under study for two of the three showcases buildings, developed under the EU funded DIRECTION project, namely the CARTIF III building in Valladolid, Spain and the NuOffice in Munich, Germany. The third showcase, based in Bolzano, Italy, which has not been built yet, is therefore offering more opportunities for potential change of control systems.

White Paper on Contribution of Nanomedicine to Horizon 2020

Ιουν 27, 2013 11:04

Nanomedicine, also defined as the use of nanotechnologies in medicine, supports a strong research and emerging industrial healthcare sector in Europe. Based on excellent academic research and innovative SMEs, nanomedicine has the potential to answer today’s societal challenges such as the ageing population. ETPN’s White Paper will actively contribute to shaping the three pillars of Horizon 2020 – Excellence in Science, Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges.

PET medical image analysis improved in order to optimize radiotherapy treatments

Ιουν 27, 2013 11:03

Elena Prieto-Azkarate, a graduate in Telecommunications Engineering at the NUP/UPNA-Public University of Navarre and member of the Nuclear Medicine Service of the University College Hospital of Navarre, has implemented 12 algorithms to process medical images produced by means of PET (Positron Emission Tomography).

Less friction loss in combustion engines

Ιουν 27, 2013 11:02

If a new car engine is to run „smoothly,“ first it has to be properly run in: drivers should avoid quick acceleration and permanent short trips during the first 1000 kilometers, for instance. Why is this „grace period“ necessary at all? When an engine is being run in, the peripheral zone on the articulations – the components in mechanical contact with one another – changes as a result of friction: the surface itself becomes „smoother“, and the granularity of the microstructure becomes finer at a material depth of roughly 500 to 1000 nanometers (nm), creating a nanocrystalline layer.


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