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Battling antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:23

Results of recent clinical studies could help health care professionals mitigate resistance to antibiotics and improve the effectiveness of antibiotic-related therapies.

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Fire safety boost for big ships

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:21

Massive commercial sailing vessels require new, stricter safety standards with respect to fire hazards. Updated probabilistic fire safety regulations have come to the rescue.

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Moving more easily from lab to market

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:20

Recommendations to enhance industry–academia collaboration have been made for the countries of South-Eastern Europe (SEE). Such exchanges will help industry in the region to become more competitive and give researchers better career prospects.

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Computer-aided engineering to speed up automotive design

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:18

Vehicle manufacturing is a highly complex and interdisciplinary process that necessitates a carefully integrated chain and a network of computational approaches. In this light, European researchers, in conjunction with leading car manufacturers, developed a new gradient-based design methodology using computational fluid dynamics for engineering car parts.

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