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Sweet bionic smell of success

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:17

European researchers have developed a novel bioelectronic nose that mimics an animal''s nose. The potential applications for a reliable and rapid odour sensor are and include disease diagnosis and food contamination detection.

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Reducing microbes on hospital textiles for fewer infections

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:16

EU funded scientists are using sound waves to apply antibacterial coatings on hospital robes and sheets. Commercialisation of the technology should significantly decrease the incidence of potentially life threatening hospital acquired infections.

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Big changes for small boats

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:15

New hybrid technologies are promising to make smaller boats much more energy efficient. Advances will reduce pollution and increase sustainability in the EU maritime sector.

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Stepping up the fight against tuberculosis

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:14

EU-funded scientists are working to find innovative strategies to treat new strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb).

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