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Coordinating research for better organic agriculture

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:07

Organic foods have become a staple of many Europeans'' diets. EU-funded scientists are promoting and coordinating transnational research in organic agriculture to ensure sustainable production given increasing demand.

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Piercing through the glass ceiling for women in research

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:06

There is often a ''glass ceiling'' – engrained social and organisational barriers – holding back the advancement of women in science. An EU-financed project has come up with an integrated approach to help overcome structural challenges facing gender equality in the field.

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Fight cancer by starving cancer cells

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:05

Invasive and highly resistant to treatment, metastatic cancer is one of the leading causes of death. Inhibiting key enzymes found predominantly in cancer cells can safely and effectively reduce the growth and spread of cancer.

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Feature Stories - From electronic brains to the power of the mind…

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:03

The EU budget has provided more than EUR 1.9 billion for brain research since the start of the current EU framework programme for research, FP7, in 2007. This has funded more than 1200 projects with more than 1500 participants from the EU and beyond. Looking back on the ''European Month of the Brain'' in May, we take a retrospective look at the range of brain-related research projects the EU is funding in the field of ''Information and communications technologies'' (ICT).


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