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Το πακέτο τσιγάρων που μιλάει…

Ιουλ 04, 2013 13:57

Φαντάζεστε κάθε φορά που ανοίγετε το πακέτο σας για να πάρετε ένα τσιγάρο να ακούγατε ένα ηχογραφημένο μήνυμα για τις βλαβερές συνέπειες του καπνίσματος, την υπογεννητικότητα και τις ασθένειες που σχετίζονται μ’ αυτό; Φοιτητές του πανεπιστημίου του Στέρλινγκ στη Σκωτία τελειοποίησαν ένα «έξυπνο» πακέτο τσιγάρων, το οποίο σκοπεύει να γίνει το όχημα του υπουργείου υγείας της χώρας για την ελάττωση του καπνίσματος.

Saving the blue waters pouring into the Black Sea

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:31

The Black Sea is known for its severe environmental degradation. Some signs of recovery have been observed in the last years, albeit on a small scale. Scientists believe that it is still possible to limit the negative environmental impact. Their solution: an early warning system designed under the umbrella of the EU funded project EnviroGRIDS. This predictive tool is designed to inform decision makers about the risks from climatic, demographic and land cover changes to human health, biodiversity and ecosystems integrity or agriculture production.

New method that is 700 times faster than the norm is developed to magnify digital images

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:29

Aránzazu Jurío-Munárriz, a graduate in computer engineering from the NUP/UPNA-Public University of Navarre, has in her PhD thesis presented new methods for improving two of the most widespread means used in digital image processing: magnification and thresholding. Her algorithm to magnify images stands out not only due to the quality obtained but also due to the time it takes to execute, which is 700 times less than other existing methods that obtain the same quality.

Tougher climate-resistant crops

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:28

Might it be possible to make better plants more quickly than we do today? And without the public objection that accompanies genetic manipulation? Climate change means that this is now an urgent question. The EU funded ABSTRESS project is intended to address it. “Climate change means that we don’t know whether next year’s harvest will be affected by floods or by drought. So we need more resilient crops,” project coordinator Adrian Charlton tells, referring to the need to reduce EU’s dependency on imports.


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