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Study shines a light on relationship between genes, diet and obesity

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:28

A project involving 29 partners from across Europe has successfully identified a number of innovative products and dietary regimes that could help individuals susceptible to weight gain avoid becoming obese. The project represents an important step towards addressing this critical health issue, and realising the full commercial potential of the dietary market.

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Quality assurance of anticancer ion therapy

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:27

Hadron therapy uses beams of charged particles (ions) to destroy tumour cells. The ENVISION project aims to provide real-time imaging tools to ensure complete elimination of tumours as a result of hadron therapy.

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How to best evaluate heart function

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:18

Coronary artery disease (CAD) causes reduced blood flow (ischaemia) or heart tissue death (infarcation) resulting in adverse structural changes and poor cardiovascular function. Several novel and existing diagnostic methods need to be compared to determine how to optimally assess and predict cardiac function and need for interventional therapy.

Further information:

Genetic study of colorectal cancer

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:11

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common malignancy in Europe, has relatively poor outcomes and has no major avoidable risk factor. The EU-funded CHIBCHA consortium aims to identify novel predisposition genes related to the disease.

Further information:


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