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3D Magnetic field measurement

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:44

Magnetic field sensors are used to measure the position of machine parts and products with zero contact and zero wear – in a modern car, around 100 of such sensors are busy monitoring safety belt buckles and door locks, registering pedal positions, or are used for ABS, EPS, and engine control. They are cost-effective and robust, however, these conventional sensors generally measure only the magnitude of the magnetic field perpendicular to the chip surface. Good enough in many ways, magnetic field measurement remains imprecise and susceptible to interference. Michael Hackner, Dr.-Ing.

Programming model for supercomputers of the future

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:43

The demand for even faster, more effective, and also energy-saving computer clusters is growing in every sector. The new asynchronous programming model GPI from Fraunhofer ITWM might become a key building block towards realizing the next generation of supercomputers.

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International trade impacts agriculture, food, bioenergy

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:41

An EU-funded project has addressed the uncertainty of world markets due to complex dynamic processes embedded in international trade. The project has not only utilised past research but has reviewed issues normally overlooked, such as energy demand, industrial food processing and price volatility.

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Saving stricken ships

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:39

Spillage from damaged ships can result in a major environmental disaster. An EU-funded project will prevent spillage from occurring by providing a means of stabilising stricken ships immediately after accidents.

Further information:


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