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Overweight causes heart failure – large study with new method clarifies the association

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:49

An international research team led by Swedish scientists has used a new method to investigate obesity and overweight as a cause of cardiovascular disease. Strong association have been found previously, but it has not been clear whether it was overweight as such that was the cause, or if the overweight was just a marker of another underlying cause, as clinical trials with long-term follow-ups are difficult to implement.

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International attention focuses on a climate change 'trigger'

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:48

The science of climate change has led international EU-funded researchers to an area thought to be responsible for redistributing and controlling heat around the globe.

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Transforming cervical screening

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:46

There is nothing like a big celebrity name to create global attention to a big health concern. As a result we now have the 'Jolie effect' to describe the influence actress Angelina Jolie has had on people now going for breast cancer checks, which have reportedly doubled.

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Automated plant factory for the prodution of vaccines

Ιουλ 05, 2013 09:45

The vaccine shortage during the swine flu pandemic in 2009 showed that although chicken-egg production is a reliable method, in a global emergency, it takes too long and does not yield enough vaccine. What is required are alternative methods with shorter production times and larger capacity, such as the production of vaccines and therapeutic agents in plants for example. Molecular farming, as this method is known in the trade, is easy, fast, and safe: the genetic information needed for target protein production is introduced into the plant via virus vectors that are harmless to humans.


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