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Human rights policy in the right frame

Ιουλ 08, 2013 11:01

More than 100 leading human rights researchers and practitioners have joined forces in a new EU-funded project which aims to provide the necessary building blocks for coherent EU human rights policies, both inside the Union and abroad.

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Understanding how early nutrition can influence lifelong health

Ιουλ 08, 2013 11:00

EU-funded research has revealed how nutrition in the womb and during our early years could affect our susceptibility to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, chronic lung disease, as well as lifelong behavioural and cognitive functions. These findings from the EARNEST ('Early nutrition programming') project have now been translated into practical advice, which could have a long-term beneficial impact on the health of Europe's next generation.

Bernard Kloareg: unlocking marine genomics’ potential

Ιουλ 08, 2013 10:59

Bernard Kloareg is the director of the Station biologique de Roscoff, a major science facility for marine research located in the Brittany region of France. He is the coordinator of an EU-funded knowledge transfer project called Marine Genomics for Users (MG4U), designed to make the tools used in marine genomics available to the wider research and industry community. Ultimately, the future European marine biological resource centre (EMBRC), an infrastructure gathering major European marine research centres, will continue to carry out knowledge transfer of marine genomic research.

SANDRA is ready to take off!

Ιουλ 08, 2013 10:58

The EU FP7 project SANDRA (Seamless Aeronautical Networking through integration of Data links Radios and Antennas) started in 2009, aims to design, specify and develop an integrated aircraft communication system and now has been tested on a real aircraft flight.

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