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Getting oxygen from air for industrial use

Ιουλ 08, 2013 11:05

Pure oxygen is required by many industrial reactions yet the efficiency of its separation from air is limited. EU funded scientists developed novel ultra thin ceramic membranes with enhanced oxygen permeability for high impact.

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Understanding biological systems at cellular level

Ιουλ 08, 2013 11:04

Technical advancements have made it possible to study cell systems in depth. An EU-funded project has investigated cell systems biology to expand knowledge on the controls of cell growth and division.

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Fighting tuberculosis with macrophages

Ιουλ 08, 2013 11:03

The occurrence of antibiotic-resistant strains of bovine tuberculosis (TB) and paratuberculosis (Johne''s disease or paraTB) in cattle is rising worldwide, a potential threat to public health.

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In the quest for excellence in machine translation

Ιουλ 08, 2013 11:02

All machine translators have their limitations. The translations are not perfect by any means, but they are suitable tools for providing help on more than one occasion. The UPV/EHU’s IXA Group has recently secured a European project to overcome these limitations and to go on conducting research into machine translation: QTLeap.


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