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Stimulating creativity and innovation across borders

Ιουλ 09, 2013 09:39

Researchers from different European countries have answered the joint call of the ERA-NET HERA JRP - CE (Humanities in the European Research Area - Joint Research Programme - Cultural Encounters) to examine how cultural encounters can help improve our understanding of contemporary society.

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Keith Tomlins: Controlling waste in tuber crops for a better economy

Ιουλ 09, 2013 09:33

For 700 million people in Africa and the Far-East, yams and cassava represent important crops for food security and as a source of income. The trouble is, losses during harvesting and processing are exceptionally high—at the level of 60% for yams and 30% for cassava. A new EU-funded research project called GRATITUDE aims at reducing such waste and losses. Keith Tomlins, a researcher in Food Science at the University of Greenwich's Natural Resources Institute in the UK, is the coordinator of the project since it started in January 2012.

Generating support for regenerative medicine

Ιουλ 09, 2013 09:31

Regenerative medicine (RM) is poised to revolutionise the way disease and pathology are treated. EU-funded scientists are clarifying issues for informed policymaking to support a leading European role in an emerging global market.

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Engineering the cargo vessel of the future

Ιουλ 09, 2013 09:30

The EU-CARGOXPRESS project has delivered an innovative concept of a new generation of intermodal and competitive cargo vessels. These vessels will be light, with a potential of fuel savings up to 50 % and easy to build and compatible with all EU and African ports.

Further information:


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