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Steering ships safely in stormy seas

Ιουλ 11, 2013 08:59

Research into climate change indicates that storms will get more severe and, at sea, extreme waves could increase in height. EU researchers are investigating how different ship design could improve the safety of these vessels in extreme sea conditions.

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Are you sustainable enough for the future?

Ιουλ 11, 2013 08:58

The TRUST report "Best practices for Sustainable Urban Water Cycle Systems - an overview of and enabling and constraining factors for a transition to sustainable UWCSs" deals with and reviews best practices in the water sector. It is divided in four different themes in UWCS which are: demand management, reuse and recycling, leakage and loss reduction and the water-energy nexus. The report bundles some of the worldwide experiences in applying technologies and approaches, that support a transition to more sustainable water cycle systems and that have proven to work on the ground.

Robots inspect cables

Ιουλ 11, 2013 08:56

Slowly, very slowly, the robot climbs up the wire cable. As it crawls upward with caterpillar-like movements, it scans the steel surface and detects whether it has any defects. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing IZFP have named the system FluxCrawler. It is designed to monitor the quality of stay cables and wire ropes on a regular basis. Such cables are common features of bridges, elevators, cranes, cable cars, and ski lifts.

Fitness test for corrosion protection coatings

Ιουλ 11, 2013 08:54

The internal coatings of oil production facilities have to withstand multiple stresses: aggressive chemical substances, high temperatures and pressures, as well as sand and stone particles abrading the walls of tanks and pipelines. Over time, this causes the applied linings to degrade, thus facilitating corrosion of underlying steel structures. This is why the coatings of tanks, separators, and pipelines must be renewed on a regular basis. However, how long the material “holds” depends on the individual levels of stress it is exposed to.


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