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A big heart can be deadly – any solutions?

Ιουλ 11, 2013 09:07

Cardiovascular disease is responsible for 1.5 million deaths and health care expenses of about EUR 169 billion annually in the EU itself. An EU-funded project aims to investigate disease and treatment options for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a hereditary disorder.

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Modelling the outcome of HPV vaccination

Ιουλ 11, 2013 09:05

A European study performed country-specific, cost-effective analyses of vaccination strategies for human papilloma virus (HPV), taking into account factors such as number of doses and target population. The outcome of the PREHDICT study provides a picture of the effectiveness of vaccination and alerts the general public about HPV-related diseases.

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Schistosomiasis – Parasitic disease

Ιουλ 11, 2013 09:03

Schistosomiasis disease causes more than 200 000 deaths annually and affects over 200 million people worldwide. ''Schistosoma epigenetics - Targets, regulation, new drugs'' (SETTREND) is an EU-funded project focused on finding treatment options for this disease.

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From brain drain to brain gain

Ιουλ 11, 2013 09:00

Efforts to reverse the brain drain of researchers who leave Europe to pursue more prosperous futures are now bearing fruit, thanks to a concerted EU drive.

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