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Reducing transport's environmental impact

Ιουλ 11, 2013 09:11

EU researchers have determined the potential contribution that future transportation technologies and fuels could make to strategies aimed at cutting energy use. Using less energy means lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

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Heart stem cells to repair the heart

Ιουλ 11, 2013 09:10

Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in developed countries with mortality of about 18 % and no cure other than a heart transplant. CARE-MI is a project funded by the EU to use allogeneic cardiac stem cells (CSCs) or encapsulated growth factors to promote regeneration of damaged heart tissue.

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New horizons in European security and defence research

Ιουλ 11, 2013 09:09

Security and defence research is of vital importance to EU citizens, but it is a relatively new theme in collaborative European research. An EU-backed study sought to identify ways to create a common European Research Area (ERA) in this important field.

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EU and Latin America working together for biofuels

Ιουλ 11, 2013 09:08

In the move away from dependence on fossil fuels, EU policies now support the use of biofuels, relying on both domestic production and the import of biofuels. Latin America (LA) in particular has a high potential for biofuel production and export to Europe.

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