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Road safety for dummies

Ιουλ 12, 2013 09:04

Although crash test dummies enable car designers to build vehicles that are safer, conventional models are not sensitive enough to the variations in passenger types. A European research project has come up with a prototype dummy that overcomes these limitations.

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A boost for geology in southern Europe

Ιουλ 12, 2013 09:01

Geological research in southern European countries has suffered in the last 20 years as a result of economic stagnation, isolation in war time and brain drain. But now, in the field of natural and industrial pollutants, a partnership of three institutes in Germany, Serbia and Slovenia has improved infrastructure and expertise in the region.

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Harnessing the power of biodiversity research

Ιουλ 12, 2013 09:00

Biodiversity, the variety of life on earth,is a complex system of genes, species and their interactions and is vital to our planet, the economy, health and well-being of all species. This EU-funded project to create a research infrastructure will assist researchers to improve our understanding of biodiversity and the ecosystems that support it.

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Reducing stakeholder conflict in urban coastal areas

Ιουλ 12, 2013 08:59

An EU-funded project is underway that is tackling the growing problem of deterioration in urban coastal regions. An integrated approach is solving conflicts between major stakeholders, thereby promising sustainable development.

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