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Understanding the function of cilia

Ιουλ 15, 2013 13:59

Many cell types use cilia – specialised organelles on their outer surface – to receive mechanical and chemical signals. European researchers are applying a systems biology approach to determine the function of these intriguing organelles in health and disease, and the phenotypic impact of specific gene mutations.

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Keeping space systems cool

Ιουλ 15, 2013 13:58

The technology used in space-based observation systems needs to be kept at extremely low temperatures. An EU-funded project is developing complex circuits that can keep cool under pressure.

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Connecting transport networks

Ιουλ 15, 2013 13:57

Researchers have investigated how to create better links between long-distance and local transport systems.

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Greener propellants for space flight

Ιουλ 15, 2013 13:56

Many rockets are propelled into space through the combustion of highly toxic and carcinogenic liquids such as hydrazine. Thanks to EU-funded scientists, green propellants have become an attractive alternative.

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