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Combating the adverse effects of climate change on agriculture

Ιουλ 15, 2013 14:06

Climate change has a significant negative impact in agricultural settings. An EU-funded project aimed to address this issue through the training of scientists and sharing knowledge on how to improve plant breeding and crop production.

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Nano-imaging for insight at the nano-scale level

Ιουλ 15, 2013 14:05

The root cause of most diseases can be traced to the molecular mechanisms inside our cells. ''Resolution enhanced microscopy for medical diagnostics'' (REMEDI) is an EU-funded project that aims to develop optical imaging technology that can see the workings within a cell at the molecular level.

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Hybrid rocket propulsion system for cost-effective and enhanced performance

Ιουλ 15, 2013 14:04

Conventional rocket propellants are either liquid or solid. EU-funded scientists carried out important experimental and theoretical studies aimed at improved performance and lowering costs through the use of a hybrid propulsion system.

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Aligning anti-malarial drug research

Ιουλ 15, 2013 14:02

Since 2007, the Global Malaria Action Plan (GMAP) has focused on eliminating and ultimately eradicating malaria. An EU-funded initiative came to extend this work by identifying, in a logical and aligned way, robust research and development (R&D) programmes geared towards developing new tools, assays, and drugs.

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