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Supporting e-governance for citizens and society

Ιουλ 18, 2013 09:09

E-governance is defined as the use of the Internet for delivering government information and services to citizens. This could mean, for example, allowing someone visiting a city website to communicate and interact with city employees. But it can also involve more sophisticated technologies, such as graphical user interfaces, instant-messaging and interactive audio/video presentations.

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Making digital heritage a thing of the present

Ιουλ 18, 2013 09:07

The preservation of Europe's cultural heritage has been seen as imperative for centuries. But while in the past this often involved locking up artefacts to keep them safe, digitisation now plays a crucial role. And European researchers are leading the way with 3D digital representations.

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International Linear Collider for unravelling secrets of particle physics and the origin of the universe

Ιουλ 18, 2013 09:06

Linear colliders employ linear particle accelerators to accelerate electrons and their antiparticles to extremely high energies. EU-funded scientists are laying the detailed technical groundwork for construction of the most advanced collider ever built.

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Upgrading oil pollution monitoring for European seas

Ιουλ 18, 2013 09:05

Satellite radar data assists with the rapid detection of potential oil slicks and their sources. A European project is working to develop and improve the current state-of-the-art methodology used in surveillance and control to prevent potentially more serious onshore pollution.

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