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Driving green transport research

Ιουλ 18, 2013 09:13

A European project brought together researchers working on climate-friendly transport and compiled the results of the work already done in this area.

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Molecular road map for healthy ageing

Ιουλ 18, 2013 09:12

Due to the rapid increase in ageing populations, improvements in health care and socioeconomic conditions have led to higher health care expenses in Europe. ''A road map for European ageing research'' (WHYWEAGE) is an EU-funded project that aims to improve quality of life for the ageing population and meet their health care needs.

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Mapping the melting poles

Ιουλ 18, 2013 09:11

Climate change is altering the landscape of the Arctic regions and the seas around them. An EU-funded project is developing mapping and forecasting systems to monitor the changing environment.

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Revealed the keys to reducing the impact of agriculture on climate change

Ιουλ 18, 2013 09:10

Research published in the journal Science (5th July 2013) shows that allowing land use to be determined purely by agricultural markets results in considerable financial and environmental costs to the public. While the research has looked specifically at the UK, the same methods could be applied to any area of the world with similar results for many countries. Land use in most of Europe is dominated by agriculture.


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