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EU–Caribbean partnerships support sci-tech innovation

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:26

The hidden potential of Caribbean nations, from Cuba to Jamaica, in science and technology (S&T) is now being harnessed and exploited with the help of the European Union.

Comprising a collection of island nations such as Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Grenada, Jamaica and Netherlands Antilles, the Caribbean region holds much hidden research and innovation potential. The EU-funded project ''fostering European Union - Caribbean research and innovation networks'' (EUCARINET) is exploiting this potential to the benefit of both regions.

Smart water use management for higher crop yield

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:24

Irrigated farms are the biggest consumers of fresh water in the Mediterranean region. In close collaboration with farmers, EU-funded scientists are developing water management tools and techniques for sustainable irrigation.

The EU-funded project ''Sustainable use of irrigation water in the Mediterranean region'' (SIRRIMED) was designed to enable increasing crop productivity in the face of scarce water resources. Researchers are addressing the issue at the farm, irrigation district and watershed level.

Convenience foods more like their fresh counterparts

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:21

People are forced to increasingly rely on convenience foods due to time constraints. EU-funded scientists are developing novel technologies for safer, tastier foods that retain their natural characteristics after preservation.

Novel bioactive membranes in devices

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:20

Combining the natural talent of bacteria to create porous membranes and of sponges to produce metal oxide nanostructures, EU-funded scientists are devising novel sensors, water purification devices and more.

Membranes have long played an important role in chemical processes for separation, distillation and purification. With advances in nanotechnology, their use has been extended to sensors and catalytic surfaces for chemical synthesis, diagnostics and drug discovery.


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