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Controlling infectious diseases in animals

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:37

Infectious diseases in animals impact the social and economic well-being of people around the globe. EU-funded scientists are prioritising diseases and developing tools to effectively eradicate them.

The European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health (ETPGAH), launched in 2004, has developed a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and resulting Action Plan (AP). In line with proposals, scientists initiated the EU-funded project ''Development of the most effective tools to control infectious diseases in animals'' (DISCONTOOLS).

Virtual companions making interaction more social

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:36

Most of us interact with computers of one sort or another on a daily basis - but this 'interaction' is generally task-oriented and rather one-sided. Making computer interfaces more 'human' has been a long-standing ambition for researchers. A team of European researchers has developed exciting prototypes that go some way to doing just that.

The virtual-companions-for-conversation system developed by researchers at EU-funded COMPANIONS ('Companions: persistent multi-modal interfaces to the Internet') moves on from traditional task-based interaction to social interaction.

Alternative target for breast cancer drugs

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:34

The results, which are published today in EMBO Molecular Medicine, show that elevated levels of the protein Ret, which is short for “Rearranged during transfection”, are associated with a lower likelihood of survival for breast cancer patients in the years following surgery to remove tumours and cancerous tissue.

Bringing color to solar façades

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:33

Until now, designers of buildings have no choice but to use black or bluish-gray colored solar panels. With the help of thin-film technologies, researchers have now been able to turn solar cells into colorful creations.


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