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Precise nuclear data for sustainable nuclear energy

Αυγ 01, 2013 09:14

Ensuring nuclear energy sustainability requires improved accuracy of nuclear data and models. EU-funded scientists are establishing international standards for measurement and simulations in order to reduce uncertainties.

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Policymaking for conservation

Αυγ 01, 2013 09:13

Assessing current policies in promoting conservation and preserving biodiversity will help create a better policy mix that can benefit the environment in Europe and beyond.

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Nuclear choices for enhanced energy production

Αυγ 01, 2013 09:12

A sophisticated comparative study of different nuclear technologies will help policymakers and governments decide on the best options to streamline their nuclear facilities for more efficient energy production.

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Non-animal–based testing for drug safety and efficiency

Αυγ 01, 2013 09:11

Drug development projects are terminated after expensive animal or human clinical trials when unacceptable side-effects, toxicity or lack of therapeutic efficacy are evident. An EU-funded project aims to develop a predictive non-animal model for drug safety and efficacy testing that will reduce needless animal testing and expenses.

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