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The human factor in nuclear plant design and operation

Αυγ 01, 2013 09:19

EU-funded scientists have delivered groundbreaking recommendations for the safe design and operation of future nuclear power plants. These were based on simultaneous consideration of human, organisational and technical factors.

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Supporting Czech research into biomolecular interaction

Αυγ 01, 2013 09:18

Structural biology deals with delineating the three-dimensional (3D) conformation of biomolecules. Detailed knowledge of biomolecular interactions is required for obtaining fundamental insights into molecular biology and developing medical applications.

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Softer and safer landings enabler for future spacecraft

Αυγ 01, 2013 09:17

Propulsion systems in spacecraft are critical for takeoff and landing. EU-funded scientists are developing precisely controllable propulsion systems for soft and accurate landings on future targets such as Mars and Jupiter''s moons.

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Predicting algal bloom outcomes

Αυγ 01, 2013 09:16

Marine algal blooms can cause a number of problems for sea and land-based ecosystems. An EU-funded project is working on ecological modelling systems to assess risk of deoxygenated and dead zone development in coastal waters.

Further information:


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