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3D-PITOTI - Innovative Technology Developments for Rock-Art Research

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:19

The 3D-PITOTI project will significantly advance both the state of the art in rock-art research methodology and the recording of flat 3D structures in general. Moreover it will not only ‘take the rock-art to people’ for the first time but will convey Pitoti knowledge to a much wider audience in interactive and engaging ways.

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Plant cladding keeps the temperature cool indoors despite the heat outside

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:18

Aitor Erkoreka, a UPV/EHU lecturer and researcher, has shown that green roofs are ideal for places where it is very hot in summer. So, by means of these claddings less air conditioning is needed than with conventional roofs; the same degree of comfort is achieved and therefore energy consumption is reduced. However, a suitable irrigation system is essential to obtain good results.

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Solutions for improving first aid in cardio-respiratory arrests

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:17

An algorithm capable of diagnosing heart rhythm with just 3 seconds’ worth of signal, and the demonstration that it is possible to come up with the diagnosis without stopping cardiac massage, constitute the types of solutions and proposals being developed by researchers in the Signal and Communications Group of the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao (UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country).

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DNA chips for diagnosis neuromuscular disorders

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:16

European scientists developed a DNA chip to confirm the genetic basis of various neuromuscular disorders (NMDs). This new tool could advance the diagnosis of patients as well as provide novel information on the molecular basis of some of these diseases.

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