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Blueprint for a global carbon observation network

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:36

Current understanding of the global carbon cycle relies on various loosely interlinked studies and data sets. Coordination and better integration of these studies has improved the quality of climate change observation systems and research outcomes.

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European contributions to sustainable development

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:34

There is a great global need to fight poverty and hunger and to support sustainable development in an environmentally friendly way in developing countries. The contribution of the EU to support relevant research to achieve these goals is essential.

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Smarter CCTV sharpens security

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:33

An information-gathering and processing system is being developed that will tighten security for Europeans while protecting their privacy. The networked system demonstrates that greater security does not always mean a loss of privacy.

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Non-invasive cancer diagnosis and therapy

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:32

Cancer is one of the most extensive and life-threatening families of diseases, second only to circulatory disease. EU-funded scientists are developing non-invasive, combined detection and treatment systems for very high impact.

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