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Art and science ship sails around Europe

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:43

A historic sailboat that bridges science with art has conducted engaging workshops for young students in 10 cities and communicated interesting science themes in ingenious ways.

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Optimising ageing research

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:41

Researchers have introduced innovative support structures for a major long-term survey of ageing across the European Union.

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Spinal cord injury — treatment and rehabilitation

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:39

Spinal cord injury (SCI) or dysfunction can impair or cause movement and/or sensation loss, chronic pain and other dysfunctions. The SPINAL CORD REPAIR project is a multidisciplinary collaboration among EU scientists to reinstate motor function or movement after spinal cord injuries.

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Boosting research cooperation for new Member States

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:36

A European initiative was established to boost the expertise of mobility centres in new Member States Bulgaria and Romania. Project members drew on the experience of other European mobility centres.

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