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Plant metabolism links with circadian rhythm

Αυγ 13, 2013 08:51

European researchers are studying the recently discovered plant circadian clock. Inroads into how a plant orchestrates carbon metabolism over the day–night cycle promise to shed new light on growth and productivity.

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New method makes milk safer and tastier

Αυγ 13, 2013 08:49

EU-funded project SMARTMILK ('A novel system for the treatment of milk based on the combination of ultrasounds and pulsed electric field technologies ') has developed a non-thermal treatment to make raw milk safer, at the same time retaining its natural taste. The new technology may help the EU's dairy sector, which produces 130 billion litres of raw milk a year, become more competitive.

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HP-ACS: A cool revolution in refrigerated transportation

Αυγ 13, 2013 08:47

A promising new technology designed to achieve efficiencies in cold transport vehicles is currently being developed as a cost-competitive alternative to standard air-conditioning. By making better use of waste heat, the project could help cut emissions and save businesses money.

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Taking charge of electric vehicle batteries

Αυγ 13, 2013 08:46

Researchers have tested different electric vehicle (EV) batteries to find the best options for commercialisation.

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