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Business help goes beyond borders

Αυγ 13, 2013 09:01

Small businesses can access quality international research and the consulting support they require from a larger network of knowledge institutions (KIs), thanks to a new voucher system that spans several countries.

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Advanced nanotechnologies for diagnosing cancer

Αυγ 13, 2013 08:59

One promising area in the fight against cancer is the use of nanotechnology - the manipulation of matter at an atomic and molecular scale for specific medical aims.

The EU-funded NAMDIATREAM ('Nanotechnological Toolkits for Multi-Modal Disease Diagnostics and Treatment Monitoring') aims to contribute by using nanotechnology-based techniques to help in early detection. Cancer kills 1.7 million people each year in the EU. Around 3.2 million new cases are identified annually.

Mapping the changing nature of employment

Αυγ 13, 2013 08:55

While the crisis Europe is currently enduring has had a profound impact in many areas, one of the most concerning ones lies in its high unemployment rates. According to the latest Eurostat figures, over 26 million citizens in the EU-27 - 10.9% of the working-age population - were unemployed in June 2013. This is up 0.4% from the year before, a period over which US unemployment went down from 8.2 to 7.6%.

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Mapping the multilingual landscape across Europe

Αυγ 13, 2013 08:53

Europe's linguistic landscape is undergoing a major transformation on the heels of myriad changes: mobility, new media and technologies, and new forms of globalisation. An EU-funded project is analysing this modern reality through investigations into multilingualism and linguistic diversity.

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