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Teaching scientists to share their work with the public

Αυγ 13, 2013 12:45

Scientific research has become central to solving the challenges of the modern world, but it is often not well communicated to the general public. A science communication training network is changing this by teaching researchers the skills they need to engage with the public.

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Identifying problems in freight transport research

Αυγ 13, 2013 12:44

Freight transport is an important economic issue that involves the management of various social, environmental and financial aspects. An analysis of several freight transport research projects has helped direct and improve future research efforts in this field.

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Online press office boosts transport sector

Αυγ 13, 2013 12:43

A virtual platform that features the results of cutting-edge transport projects offers new transportation solutions and fosters a pioneering spirit in the industry.

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New analysis on sustainable development

Αυγ 13, 2013 12:42

Building on a previous initiative for measuring and analysing sustainable development, a new project will take this important topic even further.

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