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The multiethnic face of the local community

Αυγ 19, 2013 13:53

Urban communities across Europe are becoming increasingly culturally diverse, which has sparked a major public debate on issues of multiculturalism and integration. An EU-financed project mapped how multiculturalism works on the local level, in individual neighbourhoods.

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Making urban transport safer

Αυγ 19, 2013 13:52

An EU-funded project has investigated how urban-guided transport can be made safer and more secure.

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Boosting innovation in the Mediterranean

Αυγ 19, 2013 13:51

An EU-funded project has given new life to research collaboration and innovation goals in the Mediterranean region.

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Prescribing the right medicine for children

Αυγ 19, 2013 13:50

Since so few drugs are actually tested on children, it is often left to doctors to decide on their suitability and to guess the suitable dosage — which carries risks. This raises the need for more children to take part in clinical trials; an EU-backed project examined the issues at stake.

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