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Conductive wood-based composites for high-tech components

Αυγ 26, 2013 13:50

The European wood industry is facing increasing competition from foreign markets. EU-funded scientists have developed novel eco-friendly composites for high-tech applications based on wood-based fillers that open new markets.

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High-protein scientific diets

Αυγ 26, 2013 13:49

Proteomics is the large-scale study of proteins that is set to radically improve our understanding of these vital ingredients of living organisms. An EU-supported project has worked to develop a single portal to access the current fragmented data available in this field.

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Model approach to predicting global climate change

Αυγ 26, 2013 13:48

EU scientists are developing and applying climate models of the Earth to better understand and predict future changes. The definition of a common strategy will improve predictions about climate change and variability and thus its impacts on society.

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Novel drugs against trypanosomal diseases

Αυγ 26, 2013 13:47

Experts in parasite biology and medicinal chemistry teamed up to identify compounds with potent activity against protozoa of the Trypanosomatidae family. Strategies that intervened with the basic metabolism of DNA in these protozoa were explored.

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