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Lighting the way to the future

Σεπ 10, 2013 11:13

The highly inefficient incandescent light bulb is now a thing of the past, banned from European supermarket shelves in favour of more efficient lighting. The ban is part of the EU's strategy to reduce overall energy consumption and become more environmentally friendly.

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Mapping the energy potential below our feet

Σεπ 10, 2013 11:12

Easy-to-access visualisation of the 'very shallow geothermal potential' (vSGP) of Europe has been made possible thanks to an EU-funded project. By harmonising pre-existing data relating to geological, hydrogeological, soil and climate, the THERMOMAP project has developed an open source web service, accessible to all.

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The next silver bullet for infectious diseases

Σεπ 10, 2013 11:11

EU-funded scientists have characterised bioactive compounds produced by novel strains of bacteria. Commercial production could combat the life-threatening drug resistance of many infectious diseases.

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Braille attachment for cell phones and tablets

Σεπ 10, 2013 11:10

EU-funded scientists have created a portable and cost-effective device to convert refreshable media into Braille. This device will provide the visually impaired the means to access the Internet and all its treasures.

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