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Soccer matches and concerts from any angle you choose

Σεπ 10, 2013 11:24

A roar of “Gooaaaal!” bursts out of living rooms and bars, before the players celebrate and the successful strike is shown again and again from various different angles. But viewers of soccer games often wish they could have a different view of the pitch than the one shown on TV during the rest of the game as well. This prospect is set to become a reality, with viewers becoming their “own cameraman”: using their PC, tablet computer, or even the latest TV sets, they will be able to choose the angle they wish to view on their virtual cameras – live and in real time!

Risk analysis toolbox for nanoparticles

Σεπ 10, 2013 11:23

Nanoparticles are now present in numerous products, raising issues of workplace, consumer and environmental safety. EU-funded scientists are developing a comprehensive risk assessment platform for increasing safety and public confidence.

Further information:

New study to provide insights into young Europeans' health-related diet and lifestyle choices

Σεπ 10, 2013 11:22

Why do some children live on a diet of fast food while others eat healthily? What causes a teenager to choose a hamburger over a salad? Why do some choose to exercise whilst others do not? What are the health consequences of a poor diet, lack of physical activity and other risk factors? And is it possible to steer children and their families towards healthier lifestyle choices? Those questions and many more are investigated by far-reaching research into the dietary and lifestyle behaviour of young Europeans.

How gut bacteria could influence obesity susceptibility

Σεπ 10, 2013 11:21

The microorganisms we host in our bodies could have significant consequences for the onset of obesity, an EU-funded project has found. This discovery could change how the medical profession treats the disease, which is forecast to affect more than 700 million adults globally by 2015. Most importantly, it could provide doctors with a simple identification test to find people most at risk.

Further information:


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