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Finding ways to prevent childhood diabetes

Σεπ 11, 2013 11:49

Understanding the causes of type1 diabetes (T1D) and finding early disease markers seem the only way forward to reduce disease incidence. Based on this, the DIAPREPP consortium set out to identify and exploit early events in the development of autoimmunity against islet beta antigens in a large cohort of children.

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Closing the water cycle

Σεπ 11, 2013 11:46

Clean freshwater faces various threats such as increasing demand by population growth, pollution and changes in the hydrological cycle due to climate change. According to the United Nations World Water Development report, a country’s industrial water use increases with its income. It ranges from 5% in low-income countries to over 40% in some high-income countries. Thus, water use is an important issue for a country’s sustainable development.

Making plants’ inner qualities visible

Σεπ 11, 2013 11:45

A photographic airplane circles above an Australian vineyard in large arcs. An onboard camera takes pictures of the grapevines in regular intervals – anything but ordinary photos, though. Instead, this camera “looks” directly inside plants and delivers valuable information on their constituents to viticulturists.

Bridging the science-policy communication gap

Σεπ 11, 2013 11:44

While policy decisions can have a huge impact on how people interact with their environment - and science should have a key role here - sound decision-making is based on science. This is not however always the case, and a team of European researchers puts this down to communication gaps between science, policy and society. And they are doing something about it.

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