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Juggling with multiple risks

Σεπ 12, 2013 12:10

Multiple disasters can have a cumulative impact leading to great human and financial loss. The awareness of all possible risks is of fundamental importance. A good example is the extent of the damage caused by the Kobe earthquake that hit Japan in April 2001.

Live streaming enjoyment for multi-screen applications

Σεπ 12, 2013 12:09

Whether you missed a TV show or a concert live recording of your favorite band: the Internet is a treasure trove of videos and all kinds of other multimedia content. Usually this content is streamed – that is, not saved on the computer, rather played directly over the browser in real time. But this method has a major drawback: if the available bit rate deteriorates, transmission quality suffers and the resulting video juddering and interruptions test the user’s patience. It can only be avoided if you match the video quality to the bit rate currently available.

In with antennas, out with cables

Σεπ 12, 2013 12:08

The pretty designer lamp on the table is meant to add charm to the room. If only the annoying cord wasn’t there, then you could also put the lamp in the center of the table when it suited you. In future, you will be able to do just that thanks to SUPA Wireless technology. SUPA stands for Smart Universal Power Antenna, and the technology removes the need for electric cables, whether for lamps, laptops or smartphones.

TU Delft coordinating European research on self-healing thermal barrier coatings

Σεπ 12, 2013 12:07

Researchers of TU Delft coordinate a large European research project on self-healing thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). These ceramic coatings enhance the gas turbine engine efficiency by allowing higher operation temperatures, saving fuel and reducing CO2 emissions. By using self-healing thermal barrier coatings, small cracks in the coating are repaired, thereby prolonging the lifetime of the coatings by 20-25% and significantly reducing the costs of maintainance.


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