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Coping better in emergency situations

Σεπ 12, 2013 12:20

Achieving and increasing situational awareness throughout and across response agencies is vital in emergency management situations. An EU-funded project has developed a new system for improving the information flow both from and to the first responder.

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Test bench to provide homes with greater energy quality

Σεπ 12, 2013 12:20

The ENEDI (Energy in Building) Group of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country is working to improve the quality of homes and all existing buildings in general in line with the criteria established by European directives on energy saving, thermal insulation and energy efficiency of buildings, as well as other criteria of sustainability, habitability, durability, functionality and maintenance. Right now, an experimental installation is being set up. It is being used to test the energy technologies that are expected to be gradually incorporated into buildings over the next few years.

New programme that simulates protein movements

Σεπ 12, 2013 12:19

Proteins are molecules involved in most of the biological processes that take place in our bodies. They have to move in order to fulfil many of their functions. For example, they open or close to keep and transport the molecules inside them. Until now, costly methods were the only available option for studying these movements: supercomputers were needed and the calculations took many days. The department of mechanics of the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao has now developed a shorter method.

Saws made of carbon

Σεπ 12, 2013 12:15

You can’t saw without producing sawdust – and that can be expensive if, for example, the “dust” comes from wafer manufacturing in the photovoltaic and semiconductor industries, where relatively high kerf loss has been accepted as an unavoidable, if highly regrettable, fact of life.


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