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New pancreatic stem cell research could transform treatment

Σεπ 27, 2013 13:56

Stem cell research is of huge importance because it could lead to dramatic changes in the way we treat certain diseases. These cells, which can differentiate into specialised cells and also divide to produce more stem cells, are already used in a number of medical cases, such as bone marrow transplants and the treatment of leukemia.

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Ensuring the safety of nanomaterials

Σεπ 27, 2013 13:56

A network of researchers was formed to look at the environmental and health effects of nanomaterials.

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Getting more from groundwater

Σεπ 27, 2013 13:55

By 2050, around 4 billion people will be living in countries with water shortages. Innovative techniques are urgently needed to squeeze every drop from the resources available, and a team of European scientists believes it has some of the answers.

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New approach to early diagnosis of chronic renal diseases in children

Σεπ 27, 2013 13:54

New mutations of the different pathologies found in renal diseases have been discovered by researchers from the University of Oviedo, Spain.

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