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New tools to study pain perception in the brain

Σεπ 27, 2013 14:00

An EU-funded project has developed new tools that will allow scientists to better understand the neural responses involved in the perception of pain.

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Engaging communication for scientists

Σεπ 27, 2013 13:59

How can scientists better communicate the benefits of what they do so as to engage the public in their work? Local authorities and research institutes from across Europe are working to build a network of cities to promote a broader culture of science.

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Helping students understand the importance of science and technology

Σεπ 27, 2013 13:58

From biotechnology to digital media, from energy to cloud computing, almost every job area today is strongly affected, if not entirely reshaped, by scientific and technological advancements. Still, according to surveys, young people in developed countries do not place a high value on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

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Spacecraft braking simulation marks key step towards real flight test

Σεπ 27, 2013 13:57

Researchers at EU-funded project AEROFAST ('Aerocapture for future space transportation') have successfully simulated a flight manoeuvre in which a space vehicle uses a planet's atmosphere to slow itself down.

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