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Opening tight junctions for drug delivery to the brain

Οκτ 01, 2013 13:28

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) prevents movement of hydrophilic (water-loving) molecules from the bloodstream into the central nervous system (CNS). An EU project, JUSTBRAIN, is investigating how to manipulate this obstacle to facilitate the passage of therapeutic drugs for neurological disorders.

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On the lookout for swine flu

Οκτ 01, 2013 13:27

A surveillance network is being set up to improve the monitoring and diagnosis of swine influenza (SI) outbreaks in Europe. Also known as swine flu, SI is a common disease that negatively affects commercial pig farming around the world.

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Genetics and epigenetics of liver cancer

Οκτ 01, 2013 13:26

Effective cancer therapy requires comprehension of the complex genetic and epigenetic alterations involved in cancer, starting from the pre-cancerous stage to overt cancer. An EU-funded project is working to elucidate factors involved in cancer formation and spread by studying hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), also known as liver cancer.

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Engineering liver tissue from embryonic stem cells

Οκτ 01, 2013 13:25

The liver, an essential organ, can fail due to disease or abuse. The EU-funded project MICROLIVERMATURATION has found a way to create viable liver cells from embryonic stem cells (ESCs).

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