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Encouraging investment in renewable energies

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:17

Researchers are developing sustainable tools and services to promote investment into renewable energy sources (RESs), thereby aiding Europe's move away from dependence on fossil fuels.

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Harvesting the natural bounty of Iceland's volcanoes

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:16

Scientists are searching the genomes of microbes in Iceland's volcanic regions to find candidate enzymes for industrial use. Surviving harsh conditions and temperatures in the wild could be beneficial in the factory as well.

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Coherently describing classical–quantum transitions

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:15

The transition between classical and quantum behaviour is poorly understood and difficult to study experimentally. Scientists developed an engineered system to address some of the most important open questions of modern physics.

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The trouble with searching through multimedia

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:14

The amount of multimedia content has exploded, but searching this galaxy of footage to find relevant information is difficult since searches are textual rather than audio or visual. An EU-funded project has come up with a new search methodology to help resolve this challenge.

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