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Carbon dioxide forecast breathes new life into forest management

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:25

Researchers from the University of Oviedo, Spain have constructed mathematical models that allow them to determine how much carbon dioxide can be absorbed by the ten most common species of trees in the Atlantic forests.

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Molecular switch in cancer development

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:24

Accumulating evidence strengthens the significance of the tumour microenvironment in cancer development. Researchers in the Czech Republic investigated the role of ERK signalling in a cell's decision to migrate or proliferate resulting in cancer onset and progression.

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Novel anti-cancer therapy

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:23

A European study is pursuing an interesting approach to investigating cancer progression. They are researching various compounds that induce differentiation in normal cells and wish to apply the same approach in cancer therapy.

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Importance of gut microbe proteins for health

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:22

Information on protein function could provide therapeutic and diagnostic data for many diseases. A European funded project has developed a tool for the prediction of protein function that can aid in management of Crohn's disease.

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